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NetworkClient Methods

Version 101.0.180

The NetworkClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearAcceptedEncodingsOverrideAsync
Clears accepted encodings set by setAcceptedEncodings
Public methodClearBrowserCacheAsync
Clears browser cache.
Public methodClearBrowserCookiesAsync
Clears browser cookies.
Public methodDeleteCookiesAsync
Deletes browser cookies with matching name and url or domain/path pair.
Public methodDisableAsync
Disables network tracking, prevents network events from being sent to the client.
Public methodEmulateNetworkConditionsAsync
Activates emulation of network conditions.
Public methodEnableAsync
Enables network tracking, network events will now be delivered to the client.
Public methodEnableReportingApiAsync
Enables tracking for the Reporting API, events generated by the Reporting API will now be delivered to the client. Enabling triggers 'reportingApiReportAdded' for all existing reports.
Protected methodEnumToString(Enum) (Inherited from DevToolsDomainBase.)
Protected methodEnumToString(ContentEncoding) (Inherited from DevToolsDomainBase.)
Protected methodEnumToString(CSPViolationType) (Inherited from DevToolsDomainBase.)
Protected methodEnumToString(DisabledImageType) (Inherited from DevToolsDomainBase.)
Protected methodEnumToString(PermissionType) (Inherited from DevToolsDomainBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAllCookiesAsync
Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the `cookies` field.
Public methodGetCertificateAsync
Returns the DER-encoded certificate.
Public methodGetCookiesAsync
Returns all browser cookies for the current URL. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the `cookies` field.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetRequestPostDataAsync
Returns post data sent with the request. Returns an error when no data was sent with the request.
Public methodGetResponseBodyAsync
Returns content served for the given request.
Public methodGetResponseBodyForInterceptionAsync
Returns content served for the given currently intercepted request.
Public methodGetSecurityIsolationStatusAsync
Returns information about the COEP/COOP isolation status.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLoadNetworkResourceAsync
Fetches the resource and returns the content.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReplayXHRAsync
This method sends a new XMLHttpRequest which is identical to the original one. The following parameters should be identical: method, url, async, request body, extra headers, withCredentials attribute, user, password.
Public methodSearchInResponseBodyAsync
Searches for given string in response content.
Public methodSetAcceptedEncodingsAsync
Sets a list of content encodings that will be accepted. Empty list means no encoding is accepted.
Public methodSetAttachDebugStackAsync
Specifies whether to attach a page script stack id in requests
Public methodSetBlockedURLsAsync
Blocks URLs from loading.
Public methodSetBypassServiceWorkerAsync
Toggles ignoring of service worker for each request.
Public methodSetCacheDisabledAsync
Toggles ignoring cache for each request. If `true`, cache will not be used.
Public methodSetCookieAsync
Sets a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite equivalent cookies if they exist.
Public methodSetCookiesAsync
Sets given cookies.
Public methodSetExtraHTTPHeadersAsync
Specifies whether to always send extra HTTP headers with the requests from this page.
Public methodSetUserAgentOverrideAsync
Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
Public methodTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamAsync
Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. Note that after this command, the intercepted request can't be continued as is -- you either need to cancel it or to provide the response body. The stream only supports sequential read, will fail if the position is specified.
Protected methodToBase64String (Inherited from DevToolsDomainBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also