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TargetClientExposeDevToolsProtocolAsync Method

Version 105.3.390
Inject object to the target's main frame that provides a communication channel with browser target. Injected object will be available as `window[bindingName]`. The object has the follwing API: - `binding.send(json)` - a method to send messages over the remote debugging protocol - `binding.onmessage = json => handleMessage(json)` - a callback that will be called for the protocol notifications and command responses.

Namespace:  CefSharp.DevTools.Target
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: 105.3.390.0 (105.3.390.0)
public Task<DevToolsMethodResponse> ExposeDevToolsProtocolAsync(
	string targetId,
	string bindingName = null


Type: SystemString
bindingName (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Binding name, 'cdp' if not specified.

Return Value

Type: TaskDevToolsMethodResponse
returns System.Threading.Tasks.Task<DevToolsMethodResponse>
See Also