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ICookieManagerSetCookie Method
Version 57.0.0
Sets a cookie given a valid URL and explicit user-provided cookie attributes. This function expects each attribute to be well-formed. It will check for disallowed characters (e.g. the ';' character is disallowed within the cookie value attribute) and will return false without setting the cookie if such characters are found.

Namespace: CefSharp
Assembly: CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
bool SetCookie(
	string url,
	Cookie cookie,
	ISetCookieCallback callback = null


Type: SystemString
The cookie URL
Type: CefSharpCookie
The cookie
callback (Optional)
Type: CefSharpISetCookieCallback
If non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the CEF IO thread after the cookie has been set.

Return Value

Type: Boolean

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:CefSharp.ICookieManager.SetCookie(System.String,CefSharp.Cookie,CefSharp.ISetCookieCallback)"]

See Also