Click or drag to resize

IWinFormsWebBrowser Events

Version 83.4.2

The IWinFormsWebBrowser type exposes the following members.

Public eventAddressChanged
Occurs when the browser address changed. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread.
Public eventConsoleMessage
Event handler for receiving Javascript console messages being sent from web pages. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. (The exception to this is when your running with settings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop = false, then they'll be the same thread).
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public eventFrameLoadEnd
Event handler that will get called when the browser is done loading a frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames may start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This method will always be called for all frames irrespective of whether the request completes successfully. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public eventFrameLoadStart
Event handler that will get called when the browser begins loading a frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames may start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This method may not be called for a particular frame if the load request for that frame fails. For notification of overall browser load status use OnLoadingStateChange instead. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public eventJavascriptMessageReceived
Event handler that will get called when the message that originates from CefSharp.PostMessage
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public eventLoadError
Event handler that will get called when the resource load for a navigation fails or is canceled. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public eventLoadingStateChanged
Event handler that will get called when the Loading state has changed. This event will be fired twice. Once when loading is initiated either programmatically or by user action, and once when loading is terminated due to completion, cancellation of failure. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public eventStatusMessage
Event handler for changes to the status message. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread. (The exception to this is when your running with settings.MultiThreadedMessageLoop = false, then they'll be the same thread).
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public eventTitleChanged
Occurs when the browser title changed. It's important to note this event is fired on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread. It is unwise to block on this thread for any length of time as your browser will become unresponsive and/or hang.. To access UI elements you'll need to Invoke/Dispatch onto the UI Thread.
See Also