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LifeSpanHandlerBuilderOnPopupCreated Method

Version 92.0.260
The OnPopupCreatedDelegate will be called when the[!:ChromiumHostControl] has been created. When the OnPopupCreatedDelegate is called you must add the control to it's intended parent so the [!:Control.ClientRectangle] can be calculated to set the initial size correctly.

Namespace:  CefSharp.WinForms.Handler
Assembly:  CefSharp.WinForms (in CefSharp.WinForms.dll) Version: (
public LifeSpanHandlerBuilder OnPopupCreated(
	OnPopupCreatedDelegate onPopupCreated


Type: CefSharp.WinForms.HandlerOnPopupCreatedDelegate
Action to be invoked when the Popup is to be destroyed.

Return Value

Type: LifeSpanHandlerBuilder
LifeSpanHandler instance allowing you to chain method calls together
See Also