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ChromiumWebBrowser Constructor (HtmlString, IBrowserSettings, IRequestContext, Boolean, ActionIBrowser)

Version 97.1.60
Create a new OffScreen Chromium Browser. If you use LegacyBindingEnabled = true then you must set automaticallyCreateBrowser to false and call CreateBrowser(IWindowInfo, IBrowserSettings) after the objects are registered. The underlying Chromium Embedded Framework(CEF) Browser is created asynchronouly, to subscribe to the BrowserInitialized event it is recommended that you set automaticallyCreateBrowser to false, subscribe to the event and then call CreateBrowser(IWindowInfo, IBrowserSettings) to ensure you are subscribe to the event before it's fired (Issue

Namespace:  CefSharp.OffScreen
Assembly:  CefSharp.OffScreen (in CefSharp.OffScreen.dll) Version: (
public ChromiumWebBrowser(
	HtmlString html,
	IBrowserSettings browserSettings = null,
	IRequestContext requestContext = null,
	bool automaticallyCreateBrowser = true,
	Action<IBrowser> onAfterBrowserCreated = null


Type: CefSharp.WebHtmlString
html string to be initially loaded in the browser.
browserSettings (Optional)
Type: CefSharpIBrowserSettings
The browser settings to use. If null, the default settings are used.
requestContext (Optional)
Type: CefSharpIRequestContext
See RequestContext for more details. Defaults to null
automaticallyCreateBrowser (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
automatically create the underlying Browser
onAfterBrowserCreated (Optional)
Type: SystemActionIBrowser
Use as an alternative to the BrowserInitialized event. If the underlying Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) browser is created successfully, this action is guranteed to be called after the browser created where as the BrowserInitialized event may be called before you have a chance to subscribe to the event as the CEF Browser is created async. (Issue
InvalidOperationExceptionCef::Initialize() failed
See Also