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RequestContextBuilderWithProxyServer Method

Version 97.1.60
Overload List
Public methodWithProxyServer(String)
Set the Proxy server when the RequestContext is initialzied. If value is null the preference will be restored to its default value. If setting the preference fails no error is throw, you must check the CEF Log file. Proxy set via the command-line cannot be modified.
Public methodWithProxyServer(String, NullableInt32)
Set the Proxy server when the RequestContext is initialzied. If value is null the preference will be restored to its default value. If setting the preference fails no error is throw, you must check the CEF Log file. Proxy set via the command-line cannot be modified.
Public methodWithProxyServer(String, String, NullableInt32)
Set the Proxy server when the RequestContext is initialzied. If value is null the preference will be restored to its default value. If setting the preference fails no error is throw, you must check the CEF Log file. Proxy set via the command-line cannot be modified.
See Also