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IResourceHandlerSkip Method

Version 107.1.120
Skip response data when requested by a Range header. Skip over and discard bytesToSkip bytes of response data. - If data is available immediately set bytesSkipped to the number of of bytes skipped and return true. - To read the data at a later time set bytesSkipped to 0, return true and execute callback when the data is available. - To indicate failure set bytesSkipped to < 0 (e.g. -2 for ERR_FAILED) and return false. This method will be called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread.

Namespace:  CefSharp
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
bool Skip(
	long bytesToSkip,
	out long bytesSkipped,
	IResourceSkipCallback callback


Type: SystemInt64
number of bytes to be skipped
Type: SystemInt64
If data is available immediately set bytesSkipped to the number of of bytes skipped and return true. To read the data at a later time set bytesSkipped to 0, return true and execute callback when the data is available.
Type: CefSharp.CallbackIResourceSkipCallback
To read the data at a later time set bytesSkipped to 0, return true and execute callback when the data is available.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
See summary
See Also