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IPermissionHandler Methods

Version 107.1.120

The IPermissionHandler type exposes the following members.

Public methodOnDismissPermissionPrompt
Called when a permission prompt handled via OnShowPermissionPrompt(IWebBrowser, IBrowser, UInt64, String, PermissionRequestType, IPermissionPromptCallback) is dismissed. result will be the value passed to Continue(PermissionRequestResult) or Ignore if the dialog was dismissed for other reasons such as navigation, browser closure, etc. This method will not be called if OnShowPermissionPrompt(IWebBrowser, IBrowser, UInt64, String, PermissionRequestType, IPermissionPromptCallback) returned false for promptId.
Public methodOnRequestMediaAccessPermission
Called when a page requests permission to access media. With the Chrome runtime, default handling will display the permission request UI.With the Alloy runtime, default handling will deny the request.This method will not be called if the "--enable-media-stream" command-line switch is used to grant all permissions.
Public methodOnShowPermissionPrompt
Called when a page should show a permission prompt.
See Also