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IUrlRequestClient Methods

Version 107.1.120

The IUrlRequestClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetAuthCredentials
Called on the CEF IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user. This method will only be called for requests initiated from the browser process.
Public methodOnDownloadData
Called when some part of the response is read. This method will not be called if the NoDownloadData flag is set on the request.
Public methodOnDownloadProgress
Notifies the client of download progress.
Public methodOnRequestComplete
Notifies the client that the request has completed. Use the RequestStatus property to determine if the request was successful or not.
Public methodOnUploadProgress
Notifies the client of upload progress. This method will only be called if the UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS flag is set on the request.
See Also