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CefInitialize Method

Version 107.1.120
Overload List
Public methodStatic memberInitialize(CefSettingsBase)
Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize and Shutdown MUST be called on your main application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
Public methodStatic memberInitialize(CefSettingsBase, Boolean)
Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown MUST be called on your main application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
Public methodStatic memberInitialize(CefSettingsBase, Boolean, IApp)
Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown MUST be called on your main application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
Public methodStatic memberInitialize(CefSettingsBase, Boolean, IBrowserProcessHandler)
Initializes CefSharp with user-provided settings. It's important to note that Initialize/Shutdown MUST be called on your main application thread (typically the UI thread). If you call them on different threads, your application will hang. See the documentation for Cef.Shutdown() for more details.
See Also