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IBrowserHost Properties

Version 107.1.120

The IBrowserHost type exposes the following members.

Public propertyExtension
Returns the extension hosted in this browser or null if no extension is hosted. See LoadExtension(String, String, IExtensionHandler) for details.
Public propertyHasDevTools
Returns true if this browser currently has an associated DevTools browser. Must be called on the CEF UI thread.
Public propertyIsAudioMuted
Returns true if the browser's audio is muted. This method can only be called on the CEF UI thread.
Public propertyIsBackgroundHost
Returns true if this browser is hosting an extension background script. Background hosts do not have a window and are not displayable. See LoadExtension(String, String, IExtensionHandler) for details.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the browserHost has been disposed of.
Public propertyRequestContext
Returns the request context for this browser.
Public propertyWindowlessFrameRate
Gets/sets the maximum rate in frames per second (fps) that CefRenderHandler:: OnPaint will be called for a windowless browser. The actual fps may be lower if the browser cannot generate frames at the requested rate. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 60 (default 30). This method can only be called on the UI thread. Can also be set at browser creation via BrowserSettings.WindowlessFrameRate.
Public propertyWindowRenderingDisabled
Returns true if window rendering is disabled.
See Also