Click or drag to resize

IFrameHandler Interface

Version 107.1.120
Implement this interface to handle frame events All methods will be called on the CEF UI thread

Namespace:  CefSharp
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public interface IFrameHandler

The IFrameHandler type exposes the following members.

Public methodOnFrameAttached
Called when a frame can begin routing commands to/from the associated renderer process. Any commands that were queued have now been dispatched.
Public methodOnFrameCreated
Called when a new frame is created. This will be the first notification that references frame. Any commands that require transport to the associated renderer process (LoadRequest, SendProcessMessage, GetSource, etc.) will be queued until OnFrameAttached is called for frame.
Public methodOnFrameDetached
Called when a frame loses its connection to the renderer process and will be destroyed. Any pending or future commands will be discarded and IsValid will now return false for frame. If called after OnBeforeClose(IWebBrowser, IBrowser) during browser destruction then IsValid will return false for browser.
Public methodOnMainFrameChanged
Called when the main frame changes due to one of the following: - (a) initial browser creation - (b) final browser destruction - (c) cross-origin navigation - (d) re-navigation after renderer process termination (due to crashes, etc). oldFrame will be null and newFrame will be non-null when a main frame is assigned to browser for the first time. oldFrame will be non-null and newFrame will be null when a main frame is removed from browser for the last time. Both oldFrame and newFrame will be non-nullfor cross-origin navigations or re-navigation after renderer process termination. This method will be called after OnFrameCreated(IWebBrowser, IBrowser, IFrame) for newFrame and/or after OnFrameDetached(IWebBrowser, IBrowser, IFrame) for oldFrame. If called after OnBeforeClose(IWebBrowser, IBrowser) during browser destruction then IsValid will return false for browser.
See Also