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DebuggerClientRestartFrameAsync Method

Version 108.4.130
Restarts particular call frame from the beginning. The old, deprecated behavior of `restartFrame` is to stay paused and allow further CDP commands after a restart was scheduled. This can cause problems with restarting, so we now continue execution immediatly after it has been scheduled until we reach the beginning of the restarted frame. To stay back-wards compatible, `restartFrame` now expects a `mode` parameter to be present. If the `mode` parameter is missing, `restartFrame` errors out. The various return values are deprecated and `callFrames` is always empty. Use the call frames from the `Debugger#paused` events instead, that fires once V8 pauses at the beginning of the restarted function.

Namespace:  CefSharp.DevTools.Debugger
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public Task<RestartFrameResponse> RestartFrameAsync(
	string callFrameId,
	RestartFrameMode? mode = null


Type: SystemString
Call frame identifier to evaluate on.
mode (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableRestartFrameMode
The `mode` parameter must be present and set to 'StepInto', otherwise`restartFrame` will error out.

Return Value

Type: TaskRestartFrameResponse
returns System.Threading.Tasks.Task<RestartFrameResponse>
See Also