Click or drag to resize

KeyEvent Properties

Version 108.4.130

The KeyEvent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFocusOnEditableField
True if the focus is currently on an editable field on the page. This is useful for determining if standard key events should be intercepted.
Public propertyIsSystemKey
Indicates whether the event is considered a "system key" event (see for details). This value will always be false on non-Windows platforms.
Public propertyModifiers
Bit flags describing any pressed modifier keys. See cef_event_flags_t for values.
Public propertyNativeKeyCode
The actual key code genenerated by the platform.
Public propertyType
The type of keyboard event.
Public propertyWindowsKeyCode
The Windows key code for the key event. This value is used by the DOM specification. Sometimes it comes directly from the event (i.e. on Windows) and sometimes it's determined using a mapping function. See WebCore/platform/chromium/KeyboardCodes.h for the list of values.
See Also