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OwinResourceHandler Properties

Version 108.4.130

The OwinResourceHandler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoDisposeStream
When true the Stream will be Disposed when this instance is Disposed. The default value for this property is false.
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyCharset
Gets or sets the Charset
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyErrorCode
If the ErrorCode is set then the response will be ignored and the errorCode returned.
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyHeaders
Gets or sets the headers.
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyMimeType
Gets or sets the Mime Type.
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyResponseLength
Gets or sets ResponseLength, when you know the size of your Stream (Response) set this property. This is optional. If you use a MemoryStream and don't provide a value here then it will be cast and its size used
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyStatusCode
Gets or sets the http status code.
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyStatusText
Gets or sets the status text.
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
Public propertyStream
Gets or sets the resource stream.
(Inherited from ResourceHandler.)
See Also