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TracingClientStartAsync Method

Version 111.2.70
Start trace events collection.

Namespace:  CefSharp.DevTools.Tracing
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public Task<DevToolsMethodResponse> StartAsync(
	string categories = null,
	string options = null,
	double? bufferUsageReportingInterval = null,
	StartTransferMode? transferMode = null,
	StreamFormat? streamFormat = null,
	StreamCompression? streamCompression = null,
	TraceConfig traceConfig = null,
	byte[] perfettoConfig = null,
	TracingBackend? tracingBackend = null


categories (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Category/tag filter
options (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Tracing options
bufferUsageReportingInterval (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableDouble
If set, the agent will issue bufferUsage events at this interval, specified in milliseconds
transferMode (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableStartTransferMode
Whether to report trace events as series of dataCollected events or to save trace to astream (defaults to `ReportEvents`).
streamFormat (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableStreamFormat
Trace data format to use. This only applies when using `ReturnAsStream`transfer mode (defaults to `json`).
streamCompression (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableStreamCompression
Compression format to use. This only applies when using `ReturnAsStream`transfer mode (defaults to `none`)
traceConfig (Optional)
Type: CefSharp.DevTools.TracingTraceConfig
perfettoConfig (Optional)
Type: SystemByte
Base64-encoded serialized perfetto.protos.TraceConfig protobuf messageWhen specified, the parameters `categories`, `options`, `traceConfig`are ignored.
tracingBackend (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableTracingBackend
Backend type (defaults to `auto`)

Return Value

Type: TaskDevToolsMethodResponse
returns System.Threading.Tasks.Task<DevToolsMethodResponse>
See Also