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IBrowserHostSetAccessibilityState Method

Version 111.2.70
Set accessibility state for all frames. If accessibilityState is Default then accessibility will be disabled by default and the state may be further controlled with the "force-renderer-accessibility" and "disable-renderer-accessibility" command-line switches. If accessibilityState is STATE_ENABLED then accessibility will be enabled. If accessibilityState is STATE_DISABLED then accessibility will be completely disabled. For windowed browsers accessibility will be enabled in Complete mode (which corresponds to kAccessibilityModeComplete in Chromium). In this mode all platform accessibility objects will be created and managed by Chromium's internal implementation. The client needs only to detect the screen reader and call this method appropriately. For example, on Windows the client can handle WM_GETOBJECT with OBJID_CLIENT to detect accessibility readers. For windowless browsers accessibility will be enabled in TreeOnly mode (which corresponds to kAccessibilityModeWebContentsOnly in Chromium). In this mode renderer accessibility is enabled, the full tree is computed, and events are passed to IAccessibiltyHandler, but platform accessibility objects are not created. The client may implement platform accessibility objects using IAccessibiltyHandler callbacks if desired.

Namespace:  CefSharp
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
void SetAccessibilityState(
	CefState accessibilityState


Type: CefSharpCefState
may be default, enabled or disabled.
See Also