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Node Properties

Version 111.2.70

The Node type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssignedSlot
Public propertyAttributes
Attributes of the `Element` node in the form of flat array `[name1, value1, name2, value2]`.
Public propertyBackendNodeId
The BackendNodeId for this node.
Public propertyBaseURL
Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion.
Public propertyChildNodeCount
Child count for `Container` nodes.
Public propertyChildren
Child nodes of this node when requested with children.
Public propertyCompatibilityMode
Public propertyContentDocument
Content document for frame owner elements.
Public propertyDistributedNodes
Distributed nodes for given insertion point.
Public propertyDocumentURL
Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to.
Public propertyFrameId
Frame ID for frame owner elements.
Public propertyImportedDocument
Deprecated, as the HTML Imports API has been removed ( This property used to return the imported document for the HTMLImport links. The property is always undefined now.
Public propertyInternalSubset
`DocumentType`'s internalSubset.
Public propertyIsSVG
Whether the node is SVG.
Public propertyLocalName
`Node`'s localName.
Public propertyName
`Attr`'s name.
Public propertyNodeId
Node identifier that is passed into the rest of the DOM messages as the `nodeId`. Backend will only push node with given `id` once. It is aware of all requested nodes and will only fire DOM events for nodes known to the client.
Public propertyNodeName
`Node`'s nodeName.
Public propertyNodeType
`Node`'s nodeType.
Public propertyNodeValue
`Node`'s nodeValue.
Public propertyParentId
The id of the parent node if any.
Public propertyPseudoElements
Pseudo elements associated with this node.
Public propertyPseudoIdentifier
Pseudo element identifier for this node. Only present if there is a valid pseudoType.
Public propertyPseudoType
Pseudo element type for this node.
Public propertyPublicId
`DocumentType`'s publicId.
Public propertyShadowRoots
Shadow root list for given element host.
Public propertyShadowRootType
Shadow root type.
Public propertySystemId
`DocumentType`'s systemId.
Public propertyTemplateContent
Content document fragment for template elements.
Public propertyValue
`Attr`'s value.
Public propertyXmlVersion
`Document`'s XML version in case of XML documents.
See Also