Click or drag to resize

IRenderHandler Interface

Version 113.3.50
Implement this interface to handle Offscreen Rendering (OSR). Upstream documentation at

Namespace:  CefSharp.OffScreen
Assembly:  CefSharp.OffScreen (in CefSharp.OffScreen.dll) Version: (
public interface IRenderHandler : IDisposable

The IRenderHandler type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodGetScreenInfo
Called to allow the client to return a ScreenInfo object with appropriate values. If null is returned then the rectangle from GetViewRect will be used. If the rectangle is still empty or invalid popups may not be drawn correctly.
Public methodGetScreenPoint
Called to retrieve the translation from view coordinates to actual screen coordinates.
Public methodGetViewRect
Called to retrieve the view rectangle which is relative to screen coordinates. This method must always provide a non-empty rectangle.
Public methodOnAcceleratedPaint
Called when an element has been rendered to the shared texture handle. This method is only called when SharedTextureEnabled is set to true
Public methodOnCursorChange
Called when the browser's cursor has changed.
Public methodOnImeCompositionRangeChanged
Called when the IME composition range has changed.
Public methodOnPaint
Called when an element should be painted. Pixel values passed to this method are scaled relative to view coordinates based on the value of DeviceScaleFactor returned from GetScreenInfo. This method is only called when SharedTextureEnabled is set to false. Called on the CEF UI Thread
Public methodOnPopupShow
Called when the browser wants to show or hide the popup widget.
Public methodOnPopupSize
Called when the browser wants to move or resize the popup widget.
Public methodOnVirtualKeyboardRequested
Called when an on-screen keyboard should be shown or hidden for the specified browser.
Public methodStartDragging
Called when the user starts dragging content in the web view. Contextual information about the dragged content is supplied by dragData. OS APIs that run a system message loop may be used within the StartDragging call. Don't call any of the IBrowserHost.DragSource*Ended* methods after returning false. Return true to handle the drag operation. Call DragSourceEndedAt(Int32, Int32, DragOperationsMask) and DragSourceSystemDragEnded either synchronously or asynchronously to inform the web view that the drag operation has ended.
Public methodUpdateDragCursor
Called when the web view wants to update the mouse cursor during a drag & drop operation.
See Also