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CefSharp.DevTools.Preload Namespace

Version 118.6.80

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:CefSharp.DevTools.Preload"]

Public classPrefetchStatusUpdatedEventArgs
Fired when a prefetch attempt is updated.
Public classPreloadClient
Public classPreloadEnabledStateUpdatedEventArgs
Fired when a preload enabled state is updated.
Public classPreloadingAttemptKey
A key that identifies a preloading attempt. The url used is the url specified by the trigger (i.e. the initial URL), and not the final url that is navigated to. For example, prerendering allows same-origin main frame navigations during the attempt, but the attempt is still keyed with the initial URL.
Public classPreloadingAttemptSource
Lists sources for a preloading attempt, specifically the ids of rule sets that had a speculation rule that triggered the attempt, and the BackendNodeIds of <a href> or <area href> elements that triggered the attempt (in the case of attempts triggered by a document rule). It is possible for mulitple rule sets and links to trigger a single attempt.
Public classPreloadingAttemptSourcesUpdatedEventArgs
Send a list of sources for all preloading attempts in a document.
Public classPrerenderAttemptCompletedEventArgs
Fired when a prerender attempt is completed.
Public classPrerenderStatusUpdatedEventArgs
Fired when a prerender attempt is updated.
Public classRuleSet
Corresponds to SpeculationRuleSet
Public classRuleSetRemovedEventArgs
Public classRuleSetUpdatedEventArgs
Upsert. Currently, it is only emitted when a rule set added.
Public enumerationPrefetchStatus
TODO( revisit the list of PrefetchStatus and filter out the ones that aren't necessary to the developers.
Public enumerationPreloadingStatus
Preloading status values, see also PreloadingTriggeringOutcome. This status is shared by prefetchStatusUpdated and prerenderStatusUpdated.
Public enumerationPrerenderFinalStatus
List of FinalStatus reasons for Prerender2.
Public enumerationRuleSetErrorType
Public enumerationSpeculationAction
The type of preloading attempted. It corresponds to mojom::SpeculationAction (although PrefetchWithSubresources is omitted as it isn't being used by clients).
Public enumerationSpeculationTargetHint
Corresponds to mojom::SpeculationTargetHint. See