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CefSharp.Wpf.Experimental Namespace

Version 118.6.80

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:CefSharp.Wpf.Experimental"]

Public classChromiumWebBrowserWithTouchSupport
An Experimental ChromiumWebBrowser implementation that includes support for Stylus using the default WPF touch implementation. There are known performance problems with this default implementation, workarounds such as may need to be considered. .Net 4.7 supports the newer WM_Pointer implementation which should resolve the issue see Original PR Original Author Touch support was merged into ChromiumWebBrowser, only Style support still exists in this class
Public classLifeSpanHandler
WPF - EXPERIMENTAL LifeSpanHandler implementation that can be used to host a popup using a new ChromiumWebBrowser instance.
Public classLifeSpanHandlerBuilder
Fluent LifeSpanHandler Builder
Public classWpfImeKeyboardHandler
A WPF Keyboard handler implementation that supports IME
Public delegateLifeSpanHandlerCreatePopupChromiumWebBrowser
Called to create a new instance of ChromiumWebBrowser. Allows creation of a derived/custom implementation of ChromiumWebBrowser.
Public delegateLifeSpanHandlerOnBeforePopupCreatedDelegate
Called beforethe popup is created, can be used to cancel popup creation if required or modify IBrowserSettings. It's important to note that the methods of this interface are called on a CEF UI thread, which by default is not the same as your application UI thread.
Public delegateLifeSpanHandlerOnPopupBrowserCreatedDelegate
Called when the IBrowser instance has been created. The IBrowser reference will be valid until LifeSpanHandlerOnPopupDestroyedDelegate is called
Public delegateLifeSpanHandlerOnPopupCreatedDelegate
Called when the ChromiumWebBrowser has been created. When called you must add the control to it's intended parent.
Public delegateLifeSpanHandlerOnPopupDestroyedDelegate
Called when the ChromiumWebBrowser is to be removed from it's parent. When called you must remove/dispose of the ChromiumWebBrowser.
Public enumerationPopupCreation
Popup Creation options