Click or drag to resize

IWpfWebBrowser Properties

Version 118.6.80

The IWpfWebBrowser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress
The address (URL) which the browser control is currently displaying. Will automatically be updated as the user navigates to another page (e.g. by clicking on a link).
(Inherited from IChromiumWebBrowserBase.)
Public propertyAudioHandler
Implement IAudioHandler to handle audio events.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyBackCommand
Navigates to the previous page in the browser history. Will automatically be enabled/disabled depending on the browser state.
Public propertyBrowserCore
Returns the current IBrowser Instance or null. IBrowser is the the underlying CefBrowser instance and provides access to frames/browserhost etc.
(Inherited from IChromiumWebBrowserBase.)
Public propertyCanExecuteJavascriptInMainFrame
A flag that indicates if you can execute javascript in the main frame. Flag is set to true in IRenderProcessMessageHandler.OnContextCreated. and false in IRenderProcessMessageHandler.OnContextReleased
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyCanGoBack
A flag that indicates whether the state of the control current supports the GoBack action (true) or not (false).
(Inherited from IChromiumWebBrowserBase.)
Public propertyCanGoForward
A flag that indicates whether the state of the control currently supports the GoForward action (true) or not (false).
(Inherited from IChromiumWebBrowserBase.)
Public propertyCleanupCommand
Command which cleans up the Resources used by the ChromiumWebBrowser
Public propertyCopyCommand
Copy selected text to the clipboard.
Public propertyCutCommand
Cut selected text to the clipboard.
Public propertyDialogHandler
Implement IDialogHandler and assign to handle dialog events.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyDispatcher
Gets the Dispatcher associated with this instance.
Public propertyDisplayHandler
Implement IDisplayHandler and assign to handle events related to browser display state.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyDownloadHandler
Implement IDownloadHandler and assign to handle events related to downloading files.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyDragHandler
Implement IDragHandler and assign to handle events related to dragging.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyFindHandler
Implement IFindHandler to handle events related to find results.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyFocusable
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether focus can be set to this element.
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyFocusHandler
Implement IFocusHandler and assign to handle events related to the browser component's focus
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyForwardCommand
Navigates to the next page in the browser history. Will automatically be enabled/disabled depending on the browser state.
Public propertyFrameHandler
Implement IFrameHandler to handle frame events.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyIsBrowserInitialized
A flag that indicates whether the WebBrowser is initialized (true) or not (false).
(Inherited from IChromiumWebBrowserBase.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
A flag that indicates whether the WebBrowser has been disposed () or not ()
(Inherited from IChromiumWebBrowserBase.)
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets a value that indicates whether this element is enabled in the user interface (UI).
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsKeyboardFocused
Gets a value that indicates whether this element has keyboard focus.
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsKeyboardFocusWithin
Gets a value that indicates whether keyboard focus is anywhere inside the element bounds, including if keyboard focus is inside the bounds of any visual child elements.
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsLoading
A flag that indicates whether the control is currently loading one or more web pages (true) or not (false).
(Inherited from IChromiumWebBrowserBase.)
Public propertyIsMouseCaptured
Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse is captured to this element.
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsMouseDirectlyOver
Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse pointer is over this element in the strictest hit testing sense.
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsMouseOver
Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse pointer is located over this element (including visual children elements that are inside its bounds).
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsStylusCaptured
Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is captured to this element.
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsStylusDirectlyOver
Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is over this element in the strictest hit testing sense.
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyIsStylusOver
Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is located over this element (or over visual child elements that are inside its bounds).
(Inherited from IInputElement.)
Public propertyJavascriptObjectRepository
The javascript object repository, one repository per ChromiumWebBrowser instance.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyJsDialogHandler
Implement IJsDialogHandler and assign to handle events related to JavaScript Dialogs.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyKeyboardHandler
Implement IKeyboardHandler and assign to handle events related to key press.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyLifeSpanHandler
Implement ILifeSpanHandler and assign to handle events related to popups.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyLoadHandler
Implement ILoadHandler and assign to handle events related to browser load status.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyMenuHandler
Implement IContextMenuHandler and assign to handle events related to the browser context menu
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyPasteCommand
Paste text from the clipboard.
Public propertyPermissionHandler
Implement IPermissionHandler to handle events related to permission requests.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyPrintCommand
Prints the current browser contents.
Public propertyRedoCommand
Redo last action.
Public propertyReloadCommand
Reloads the content of the current page. Will automatically be enabled/disabled depending on the browser state.
Public propertyRenderProcessMessageHandler
Implement IRenderProcessMessageHandler and assign to handle messages from the render process.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyRequestContext
Gets the custom request context assigned to this browser instance If no instance was assigned this will be null and the global request context will have been used for this browser. You can access the global request context through Cef.GetGlobalRequestContext()
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyRequestHandler
Implement IRequestHandler and assign to handle events related to browser requests.
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyResourceRequestHandlerFactory
Implement IResourceRequestHandlerFactory and control the loading of resources
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertySelectAllCommand
Select all text.
Public propertyStopCommand
Stops loading the current page.
Public propertyTitle
The title of the web page being currently displayed.
Public propertyToggleAudioMuteCommand
Toggles the audio mute for the current browser.
Public propertyTooltipText
The text that will be displayed as a ToolTip
(Inherited from IWebBrowser.)
Public propertyUndoCommand
Undo last action.
Public propertyViewSourceCommand
Opens up a new program window (using the default text editor) where the source code of the currently displayed web page is shown.
Public propertyZoomInCommand
Increases the zoom level.
Public propertyZoomLevel
The zoom level at which the browser control is currently displaying. Can be set to 0 to clear the zoom level (resets to default zoom level).
Public propertyZoomLevelIncrement
The increment at which the ZoomLevel property will be incremented/decremented.
Public propertyZoomOutCommand
Decreases the zoom level.
Public propertyZoomResetCommand
Resets the zoom level to the default. (100%)
See Also