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TrustTokenOperationDoneStatus Enumeration

Version 118.6.80
Detailed success or error status of the operation. 'AlreadyExists' also signifies a successful operation, as the result of the operation already exists und thus, the operation was abort preemptively (e.g. a cache hit).

Namespace:  CefSharp.DevTools.Network
Assembly:  CefSharp.Core (in CefSharp.Core.dll) Version:
public enum TrustTokenOperationDoneStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
Ok0 Ok
InvalidArgument1 InvalidArgument
MissingIssuerKeys2 MissingIssuerKeys
FailedPrecondition3 FailedPrecondition
ResourceExhausted4 ResourceExhausted
AlreadyExists5 AlreadyExists
Unavailable6 Unavailable
Unauthorized7 Unauthorized
BadResponse8 BadResponse
InternalError9 InternalError
UnknownError10 UnknownError
FulfilledLocally11 FulfilledLocally
See Also