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DOMClientDescribeNodeAsync Method

Version 130.1.90
Describes node given its id, does not require domain to be enabled. Does not start tracking any objects, can be used for automation.

Namespace: CefSharp.DevTools.DOM
Assembly: CefSharp.Core (in CefSharp.Core.dll) Version:
public Task<DescribeNodeResponse> DescribeNodeAsync(
	int? nodeId = null,
	int? backendNodeId = null,
	string objectId = null,
	int? depth = null,
	bool? pierce = null


nodeId  NullableInt32  (Optional)
Identifier of the node.
backendNodeId  NullableInt32  (Optional)
Identifier of the backend node.
objectId  String  (Optional)
JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
depth  NullableInt32  (Optional)
The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for theentire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
pierce  NullableBoolean  (Optional)
Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree(default is false).

Return Value

returns System.Threading.Tasks.Task<DescribeNodeResponse>
See Also