Click or drag to resize

InputClientSynthesizeScrollGestureAsync Method

Version 130.1.90
Synthesizes a scroll gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate touch events.

Namespace: CefSharp.DevTools.Input
Assembly: CefSharp.Core (in CefSharp.Core.dll) Version:
public Task<DevToolsMethodResponse> SynthesizeScrollGestureAsync(
	double x,
	double y,
	double? xDistance = null,
	double? yDistance = null,
	double? xOverscroll = null,
	double? yOverscroll = null,
	bool? preventFling = null,
	int? speed = null,
	GestureSourceType? gestureSourceType = null,
	int? repeatCount = null,
	int? repeatDelayMs = null,
	string interactionMarkerName = null


x  Double
X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
y  Double
Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels.
xDistance  NullableDouble  (Optional)
The distance to scroll along the X axis (positive to scroll left).
yDistance  NullableDouble  (Optional)
The distance to scroll along the Y axis (positive to scroll up).
xOverscroll  NullableDouble  (Optional)
The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the X axis, in addition to the givendistance.
yOverscroll  NullableDouble  (Optional)
The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the Y axis, in addition to the givendistance.
preventFling  NullableBoolean  (Optional)
Prevent fling (default: true).
speed  NullableInt32  (Optional)
Swipe speed in pixels per second (default: 800).
gestureSourceType  NullableGestureSourceType  (Optional)
Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platformfor the preferred input type).
repeatCount  NullableInt32  (Optional)
The number of times to repeat the gesture (default: 0).
repeatDelayMs  NullableInt32  (Optional)
The number of milliseconds delay between each repeat. (default: 250).
interactionMarkerName  String  (Optional)
The name of the interaction markers to generate, if not empty (default: "").

Return Value

returns System.Threading.Tasks.Task<DevToolsMethodResponse>
See Also