WebBrowserExtensions Methods |
Version 130.1.90The WebBrowserExtensions type exposes the following members.
Methods | Name | Description |
| DestroyWindow |
Manually call https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-destroywindow
passing in the handle returned from GetWindowHandle().
This method can be used to manually close the underlying CefBrowser instance.
This will avoid the WM_Close message that CEF sends by default to the top level window.
(Which closes your application). This method should generally only be used in the WinForms version.
| ShowDevToolsDocked(IChromiumWebBrowserBase, Action<ChromiumHostControl>, String, DockStyle, Int32, Int32) |
Open DevTools using your own Control as the parent. If inspectElementAtX and/or inspectElementAtY are specified then
the element at the specified (x,y) location will be inspected.
For resize/moving to work correctly you will need to use the LifeSpanHandler implementation.
(Set LifeSpanHandler to an instance of LifeSpanHandler)
| ShowDevToolsDocked(IChromiumWebBrowserBase, Control, String, DockStyle, Int32, Int32) |
Open DevTools using parentControl as the parent control. If inspectElementAtX and/or inspectElementAtY are specified then
the element at the specified (x,y) location will be inspected.
For resize/moving to work correctly you will need to use the LifeSpanHandler implementation.
(Set LifeSpanHandler to an instance of LifeSpanHandler)
TopSee Also