| Name | Description |
| EvaluateScriptAsync(IChromiumWebBrowserBase, String, Object) |
Evaluate some Javascript code in the context of this WebBrowser. The script will be executed asynchronously and the method
returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript This simple helper extension will encapsulate params in single
quotes (unless int, uint, etc)
| EvaluateScriptAsync(IBrowser, String, NullableTimeSpan, Boolean) |
Evaluate some Javascript code in the context of the MainFrame of the ChromiumWebBrowser. The script will be executed
asynchronously and the method returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript
| EvaluateScriptAsync(IChromiumWebBrowserBase, NullableTimeSpan, String, Object) |
Evaluate Javascript code in the context of this WebBrowser using the specified timeout. The script will be executed
asynchronously and the method returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript This simple helper extension will
encapsulate params in single quotes (unless int, uint, etc).
| EvaluateScriptAsync(IChromiumWebBrowserBase, String, NullableTimeSpan, Boolean) |
Evaluate Javascript in the context of this Browsers Main Frame. The script will be executed
asynchronously and the method returns a Task encapsulating the response from the Javascript