Click or drag to resize
IFrame Interface
Version 57.0.0
This interface represents a CefFrame object (i.e. a HTML frame)

Namespace: CefSharp
Assembly: CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public interface IFrame : IDisposable

The IFrame type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBrowser
Returns the browser that this frame belongs to.
Public propertyIdentifier
Returns the globally unique identifier for this frame or < 0 if the underlying frame does not yet exist.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the frame has been disposed of.
Public propertyIsFocused
Returns true if this is the focused frame.
Public propertyIsMain
Returns true if this is the main (top-level) frame.
Public propertyIsValid
True if this object is currently attached to a valid frame.
Public propertyName
Returns the name for this frame. If the frame has an assigned name (for example, set via the iframe "name" attribute) then that value will be returned. Otherwise a unique name will be constructed based on the frame parent hierarchy. The main (top-level) frame will always have an empty name value.
Public propertyParent
Returns the parent of this frame or NULL if this is the main (top-level) frame.
Public propertyUrl
Returns the URL currently loaded in this frame.
Public methodCopy
Execute copy in this frame.
Public methodCreateRequest
Create a custom request for use with LoadRequest(IRequest)
Public methodCut
Execute cut in this frame.
Public methodDelete
Execute delete in this frame.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodEvaluateScriptAsync
Execute some Javascript code in the context of this WebBrowser, and return the result of the evaluation in an Async fashion
Public methodExecuteJavaScriptAsync
Execute a string of JavaScript code in this frame.
Public methodGetSource
Retrieve this frame's HTML source as a string sent to the specified visitor. Use the GetSourceAsync method for a Task based async wrapper
Public methodGetSourceAsync
Retrieve this frame's HTML source as a string sent to the specified visitor.
Public methodGetText
Retrieve this frame's display text as a string sent to the specified visitor. Use the GetTextAsync method for a Task based async wrapper
Public methodGetTextAsync
Retrieve this frame's display text as a string sent to the specified visitor.
Public methodLoadRequest
Load the custom request.
Public methodLoadStringForUrl
Load the contents of html with the specified dummy url.
Public methodLoadUrl
Load the specified url.
Public methodPaste
Execute paste in this frame.
Public methodRedo
Execute redo in this frame.
Public methodSelectAll
Execute select all in this frame.
Public methodUndo
Execute undo in this frame.
Public methodViewSource
Save this frame's HTML source to a temporary file and open it in the default text viewing application. This method can only be called from the browser process.
See Also