Click or drag to resize

ChromiumWebBrowser Properties

Version 79.1.350

The ChromiumWebBrowser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccessibilityHandler
Implement IAccessibilityHandler to handle events related to accessibility.
Public propertyAddress
The address (URL) which the browser control is currently displaying. Will automatically be updated as the user navigates to another page (e.g. by clicking on a link).
Public propertyCanExecuteJavascriptInMainFrame
A flag that indicates if you can execute javascript in the main frame. Flag is set to true in IRenderProcessMessageHandler.OnContextCreated. and false in IRenderProcessMessageHandler.OnContextReleased
Public propertyCanGoBack
A flag that indicates whether the state of the control current supports the GoBack action (true) or not (false).
Public propertyCanGoForward
A flag that indicates whether the state of the control currently supports the GoForward action (true) or not (false).
Public propertyDialogHandler
Implement IDialogHandler and assign to handle dialog events.
Public propertyDisplayHandler
Implement IDisplayHandler and assign to handle events related to browser display state.
Public propertyDownloadHandler
Implement IDownloadHandler and assign to handle events related to downloading files.
Public propertyDragHandler
Implement IDragHandler and assign to handle events related to dragging.
Public propertyFindHandler
Implement IFindHandler to handle events related to find results.
Public propertyFocusHandler
Implement IFocusHandler and assign to handle events related to the browser component's focus
Public propertyIsBrowserInitialized
A flag that indicates whether the WebBrowser is initialized (true) or not (false).
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
Public propertyIsLoading
A flag that indicates whether the control is currently loading one or more web pages (true) or not (false).
Public propertyJavascriptObjectRepository
The javascript object repository, one repository per ChromiumWebBrowser instance.
Public propertyJsDialogHandler
Implement IJsDialogHandler and assign to handle events related to JavaScript Dialogs.
Public propertyKeyboardHandler
Implement IKeyboardHandler and assign to handle events related to key press.
Public propertyLifeSpanHandler
Implement ILifeSpanHandler and assign to handle events related to popups.
Public propertyLoadHandler
Implement ILoadHandler and assign to handle events related to browser load status.
Public propertyMenuHandler
Implement IContextMenuHandler and assign to handle events related to the browser context menu
Public propertyRenderHandler
Implement IRenderHandler and assign to handle events related to browser rendering.
Public propertyRenderProcessMessageHandler
Implement IRenderProcessMessageHandler and assign to handle messages from the render process.
Public propertyRequestContext
Gets the request context.
Public propertyRequestHandler
Implement IRequestHandler and assign to handle events related to browser requests.
Public propertyResourceRequestHandlerFactory
Implement IResourceRequestHandlerFactory and control the loading of resources
Public propertySize
Get/set the size of the Chromium viewport, in pixels. This also changes the size of the next rendered bitmap.
Public propertyTooltipText
The text that will be displayed as a ToolTip
See Also