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BrowserProcessServiceHost Events

Version 85.3.121

The BrowserProcessServiceHost type exposes the following members.

Public eventClosed
Occurs when a communication object transitions into the closed state.
(Inherited from CommunicationObject.)
Public eventClosing
Occurs when a communication object transitions into the closing state.
(Inherited from CommunicationObject.)
Public eventFaulted
Occurs when a communication object transitions into the faulted state.
(Inherited from CommunicationObject.)
Public eventOpened
Occurs when a communication object transitions into the opened state.
(Inherited from CommunicationObject.)
Public eventOpening
Occurs when a communication object transitions into the opening state.
(Inherited from CommunicationObject.)
Public eventUnknownMessageReceived
Occurs when an unknown message is received.
(Inherited from ServiceHostBase.)
See Also