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NetworkSetCookieAsync Method

Version 85.3.121
Sets a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite equivalent cookies if they exist.

Namespace:  CefSharp.DevTools.Network
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public Task<SetCookieResponse> SetCookieAsync(
	string name,
	string value,
	string url = null,
	string domain = null,
	string path = null,
	Nullable<bool> secure = null,
	Nullable<bool> httpOnly = null,
	Nullable<CookieSameSite> sameSite = null,
	Nullable<long> expires = null,
	Nullable<CookiePriority> priority = null


Type: SystemString
Cookie name.
Type: SystemString
Cookie value.
url (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect thedefault domain and path values of the created cookie.
domain (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Cookie domain.
path (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Cookie path.
secure (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
True if cookie is secure.
httpOnly (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableBoolean
True if cookie is http-only.
sameSite (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableCookieSameSite
Cookie SameSite type.
expires (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableInt64
Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set
priority (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableCookiePriority
Cookie Priority type.

Return Value

Type: TaskSetCookieResponse
returns System.Threading.Tasks.Task<SetCookieResponse>
See Also