Click or drag to resize

IRenderHandlerStartDragging Method

Version 87.1.132
Called when the user starts dragging content in the web view. Contextual information about the dragged content is supplied by dragData. OS APIs that run a system message loop may be used within the StartDragging call. Don't call any of the IBrowserHost.DragSource*Ended* methods after returning false. Return true to handle the drag operation. Call DragSourceEndedAt(Int32, Int32, DragOperationsMask) and DragSourceSystemDragEnded either synchronously or asynchronously to inform the web view that the drag operation has ended.

Namespace:  CefSharp.OffScreen
Assembly:  CefSharp.OffScreen (in CefSharp.OffScreen.dll) Version: (
bool StartDragging(
	IDragData dragData,
	DragOperationsMask mask,
	int x,
	int y


Type: CefSharpIDragData
drag data
Type: CefSharp.EnumsDragOperationsMask
operation mask
Type: SystemInt32
combined x and y provide the drag start location in screen coordinates
Type: SystemInt32
combined x and y provide the drag start location in screen coordinates

Return Value

Type: Boolean
Return false to abort the drag operation.
See Also