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Cookie Properties

Version 87.1.132

The Cookie type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreation
The cookie creation date. This is automatically populated by the system on cookie creation.
Public propertyDomain
If domain is empty a host cookie will be created instead of a domain cookie. Domain cookies are stored with a leading "." and are visible to sub-domains whereas host cookies are not.
Public propertyExpires
Expires or null if no expiry
Public propertyHttpOnly
Ss true the cookie will only be sent for HTTP requests.
Public propertyLastAccess
The cookie last access date. This is automatically populated by the system on access.
Public propertyName
The cookie name
Public propertyPath
Ss non-empty only URLs at or below the path will get the cookie value.
Public propertyPriority
Public propertySameSite
Same site.
Public propertySecure
If true the cookie will only be sent for HTTPS requests.
Public propertyValue
The cookie value.
See Also