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IFrameCreateUrlRequest Method

Version 92.0.260
Create a new URL request that will be treated as originating from this frame and the associated browser. This request may be intercepted by the client via IResourceRequestHandler or ISchemeHandlerFactory. Use IUrlRequest.Create instead if you do not want the request to have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see documentation on that method). Requests may originate from both the browser process and the render process. For requests originating from the browser process: - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or PDE_TYPE_BYTES. For requests originating from the render process: - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_BYTES. - If the response contains Content-Disposition or Mime-Type header values that would not normally be rendered then the response may receive special handling inside the browser for example, via the file download code path instead of the URL request code path). The request object will be marked as read-only after calling this method.

Namespace:  CefSharp
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
IUrlRequest CreateUrlRequest(
	IRequest request,
	IUrlRequestClient client


Type: CefSharpIRequest
the web request
Type: CefSharpIUrlRequestClient
the client

Return Value

Type: IUrlRequest

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:CefSharp.IFrame.CreateUrlRequest(CefSharp.IRequest,CefSharp.IUrlRequestClient)"]

See Also