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WindowOpenDisposition Enumeration

Version 94.4.20
The manner in which a link click should be opened.

Namespace:  CefSharp
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public enum WindowOpenDisposition
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 An enum constant representing the unknown option.
CurrentTab1 An enum constant representing the current tab option.
SingletonTab2 Indicates that only one tab with the url should exist in the same window
NewForegroundTab3 An enum constant representing the new foreground tab option.
NewBackgroundTab4 An enum constant representing the new background tab option.
NewPopup5 An enum constant representing the new popup option.
NewWindow6 An enum constant representing the new window option.
SaveToDisk7 An enum constant representing the save to disk option.
OffTheRecord8 An enum constant representing the off the record option.
IgnoreAction9 An enum constant representing the ignore action option.
See Also