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ContextMenuEditState Enumeration

Version 107.1.120
Supported context menu edit state bit flags.

Namespace:  CefSharp
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public enum ContextMenuEditState
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 A binary constant representing the none flag.
CanUndo1 A binary constant representing the can undo flag.
CanRedo2 A binary constant representing the can redo flag.
CanCut4 A binary constant representing the can cut flag.
CanCopy8 A binary constant representing the can copy flag.
CanPaste16 A binary constant representing the can paste flag.
CanDelete32 A binary constant representing the can delete flag.
CanSelectAll64 A binary constant representing the can select all flag.
CanTranslate128 A binary constant representing the can translate flag.
CanEditRichly256 A binary constant representing the can edit richly flag.
See Also