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ReferrerPolicy Enumeration

Version 107.1.120
Policy for how the Referrer HTTP header value will be sent during navigation. If the `--no-referrers` command-line flag is specified then the policy value will be ignored and the Referrer value will never be sent. Must be kept synchronized with net::URLRequest::ReferrerPolicy from Chromium.

Namespace:  CefSharp
Assembly:  CefSharp (in CefSharp.dll) Version: (
public enum ReferrerPolicy
  Member nameValueDescription
ClearReferrerOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure0 Clear the referrer header if the header value is HTTPS but the request destination is HTTP. This is the default behavior.
Default0 Default which is equivalent to ClearReferrerOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure
ReduceReferrerGranularityOnTransitionCrossOrigin1 A slight variant on ClearReferrerOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure: If the request destination is HTTP, an HTTPS referrer will be cleared. If the request's destination is cross-origin with the referrer (but does not downgrade), the referrer's granularity will be stripped down to an origin rather than a full URL. Same-origin requests will send the full referrer.
OriginOnlyOnTransitionCrossOrigin2 Strip the referrer down to an origin when the origin of the referrer is different from the destination's origin.
NeverClearReferrer3 Never change the referrer.
Origin4 Strip the referrer down to the origin regardless of the redirect location.
ClearReferrerOnTransitionCrossOrigin5 Clear the referrer when the request's referrer is cross-origin with the request's destination.
OriginClearOnTransitionFromSecureToInsecure6 Strip the referrer down to the origin, but clear it entirely if the referrer value is HTTPS and the destination is HTTP.
NoReferrer7 Always clear the referrer regardless of the request destination.
LastValue7 Always the last value in this enumeration.
See Also